August 31, 2022 2:13 PM
It’s been such a joy to hear from our pastors in this latest series, God Inspired. (Be sure to join us this Sunday as we conclude the series) I’ve heard from so many of you concerning how much you have personally enjoyed it. These messages have created some serious thought-provoking moments and deep encouragement in our personal walk with Jesus. Reflecting on them has been a testimony of God’s goodness to Deer Flat as He has blessed us with such an amazing team of teachers, but it has also been a reminder how powerful a personal testimony can be. When we get the chance to hear how God showed up in someone’s life at just the right time and ministered to them in just the right way, it rekindles our faith and stokes our zeal for what a great God we serve! Here’s the point, much of what we’ve loved about these sermons was that they were filled with personal stories (testimonies) of God’s presence and activity in their lives. This should serve as a reminder to all of us that we also have moments and seasons in our own lives where we can recall how God showed up for us. More simply put, if someone else’s testimony inspired you, just maybe your testimony could inspire someone else.
Are you a witness? In the court of law, a witness is a person who saw or heard something that is relevant to the facts of the case. So, I ask again, are you a witness? Are you a witness to God’s goodness in your own life so much that it would be relevant for someone else’s case in determining who Jesus Christ is and whether they will choose to follow Him with their life?
Remember, as a witness it isn’t your job to save people (that’s God’s job!), but to share all that you have experienced. 1 Cor. 3:7 says, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” And as you seek to share your story, do so with a heart of prayer while allowing your words to be guided by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). Just think, when shared, your testimony is about to be used by God to inspire eternal-life transformation! Together, let’s go into all the world…
Don't forget to check out the fall classes below and REGISTER NOW!
You are loved! Pastor Ryan
This class is open to all people over the age of 15. Please contact Sue Walz at swalz7777@gmail.com if you are interested in joining this study on Isaiah chapters 38-66.
GRIEFSHARE - Beginning Friday, September 9, 10 am, Room 11
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, we encourage you to attend this 13 week support group. Cost is $15 to cover materials. REGISTER NOW. For more information, please contact Marian Heim at 208.258.1594 or heimontherange@outlook.com. WATCH THIS VIDEO
BELOVED UNBELIEVER - Beginning Sunday, September 11, 10:30 am, Room 4 Are you a woman in a committed relationship but who is here in the house of the Lord on your own? We know your loneliness and some of the issues you may struggle with in your Christian walk. Come join us for support and a chance to study Beloved Unbeliever - learning how to love your mate into the faith. REGISTER NOW
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY - Beginning September 11 @ 9 am, Room 8 Change your financial future with this amazing 5 week class. Deer Flat is offering this Ramsey+ program free of charge! Includes 1 year of FREE access to tools that work the plan with you, and the EveryDollar Plus app. REGISTER NOW WATCH THIS VIDEO
PERSONAL MINISTRY TRAINING - Beginning Monday, September 12, 6 pm, Room 38 PMT is a weekly, nine month course where we will explore how to be a beacon of hope wherever we find ourselves. As we deeply receive the Personal Ministry of God, we will also prepare in “how to“ freely give and minister to others. Some of the topics include: personal identity and healing, the process of forgiveness, receiving lessons, listening deep, shame and other barriers to freedom, and an in-depth study of various healing miracles of Jesus. REGISTER NOW
LEARN TO DEFEND YOUR FAITH IN THE BIBLE - Beginning Wednesday, Sept 14, 9:30 am
All are invited to a class on how to Defend Your Faith In The Bible led by Dr. Bruce Johnson each Wednesday morning at 9:30 am in Room 4.
THE JOY OF SEEKING GOD FIRST - Beginning Wednesday, Sept 14, 10 am, Room 5 Women will gather for Bible study using Joy Shop Ministries "The Joy of Seeking God First" videos and workbooks. This study is designed to teach participants how to consistently and systematically read God's Word for themselves. REGISTER NOW
FALL CONNECTIONS DINNER - Sunday, September 18, 5 pm, Lobby All who want to learn more about getting connected at Deer Flat are invited to join us. We will enjoy a fun evening together over a nice meal learning information about a variety of ways people can get more involved. Childcare is provided up to 5th grade after eating dinner with their families. Please help us plan well! REGISTER NOW
Are you a witness? In the court of law, a witness is a person who saw or heard something that is relevant to the facts of the case. So, I ask again, are you a witness? Are you a witness to God’s goodness in your own life so much that it would be relevant for someone else’s case in determining who Jesus Christ is and whether they will choose to follow Him with their life?
Remember, as a witness it isn’t your job to save people (that’s God’s job!), but to share all that you have experienced. 1 Cor. 3:7 says, “So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.” And as you seek to share your story, do so with a heart of prayer while allowing your words to be guided by the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8). Just think, when shared, your testimony is about to be used by God to inspire eternal-life transformation! Together, let’s go into all the world…
Don't forget to check out the fall classes below and REGISTER NOW!
You are loved! Pastor Ryan
PRECEPT BIBLE STUDY - The Book of Isaiah - Beginning September 8, 9:30 am, Room 5This class is open to all people over the age of 15. Please contact Sue Walz at swalz7777@gmail.com if you are interested in joining this study on Isaiah chapters 38-66.
GRIEFSHARE - Beginning Friday, September 9, 10 am, Room 11
If you have experienced the loss of a loved one, we encourage you to attend this 13 week support group. Cost is $15 to cover materials. REGISTER NOW. For more information, please contact Marian Heim at 208.258.1594 or heimontherange@outlook.com. WATCH THIS VIDEO
BELOVED UNBELIEVER - Beginning Sunday, September 11, 10:30 am, Room 4 Are you a woman in a committed relationship but who is here in the house of the Lord on your own? We know your loneliness and some of the issues you may struggle with in your Christian walk. Come join us for support and a chance to study Beloved Unbeliever - learning how to love your mate into the faith. REGISTER NOW
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY - Beginning September 11 @ 9 am, Room 8 Change your financial future with this amazing 5 week class. Deer Flat is offering this Ramsey+ program free of charge! Includes 1 year of FREE access to tools that work the plan with you, and the EveryDollar Plus app. REGISTER NOW WATCH THIS VIDEO
PERSONAL MINISTRY TRAINING - Beginning Monday, September 12, 6 pm, Room 38 PMT is a weekly, nine month course where we will explore how to be a beacon of hope wherever we find ourselves. As we deeply receive the Personal Ministry of God, we will also prepare in “how to“ freely give and minister to others. Some of the topics include: personal identity and healing, the process of forgiveness, receiving lessons, listening deep, shame and other barriers to freedom, and an in-depth study of various healing miracles of Jesus. REGISTER NOW
LEARN TO DEFEND YOUR FAITH IN THE BIBLE - Beginning Wednesday, Sept 14, 9:30 am
All are invited to a class on how to Defend Your Faith In The Bible led by Dr. Bruce Johnson each Wednesday morning at 9:30 am in Room 4.
THE JOY OF SEEKING GOD FIRST - Beginning Wednesday, Sept 14, 10 am, Room 5 Women will gather for Bible study using Joy Shop Ministries "The Joy of Seeking God First" videos and workbooks. This study is designed to teach participants how to consistently and systematically read God's Word for themselves. REGISTER NOW
FALL CONNECTIONS DINNER - Sunday, September 18, 5 pm, Lobby All who want to learn more about getting connected at Deer Flat are invited to join us. We will enjoy a fun evening together over a nice meal learning information about a variety of ways people can get more involved. Childcare is provided up to 5th grade after eating dinner with their families. Please help us plan well! REGISTER NOW