If you would like to donate stocks directly, we have a brokerage account which makes this very simple. You can ask your broker to contact us for the transfer information. You may even benefit from a tax savings, but see your accountant for details. Our policy is to sell any donated stocks, bonds, etc., within 30 days of receipt.
You may consider leaving a portion of your estate. If you do not already have all of your arrangements made, the Free Methodist Foundation would be happy to provide you with information, resources and assistance.
In most cases we are happy to receive real property that is unencumbered. Unless it is determined that keeping the property provides a benefit, it would be immediately sold and the proceeds used as designated or as the Board of Directors and/or Finance Committee see fit.
All other items donated including, but not limited to motorized vehicles, equipment, furnishings, etc., will be gladly accepted if:
You agree that the item may be immediately sold and the proceeds used as designated or as needed. The value of the item exceeds the cost to dispose of it.
Please fee free to contact us if you have questions or would like to make a donation.