Thank you for your interest in missions! Deer Flat Church comes alongside a variety of organizations, missionaries, and individuals who are committed to serving others and spreading God’s Word and Gospel around the world.
Deer Flat Church provides ongoing support and resources to numerous causes as outlined below. In addition, DFC gives a variety of one time gifts to individuals going into mission/ministry, scholarships for mission trips, special projects, etc. The Deer Flat family is very generous with their time and resources to so many kingdom efforts!
Please, take time to look through this page and learn more about the value of missions and the exciting work taking place in our community and the world.
Boise Rescue Mission
Boise Rescue Mission Ministries reaches out to the community by teaching the Word of God and providing food, shelter, clothing and opportunities to recover from homelessness for men, women, and children in need. Boise Rescue Mission is the primary provider of homeless services in the state of Idaho with five facilities in Ada and Canyon counties. In addition to providing overnight shelter, meals and clothing, they offer a variety of programs to address homelessness in its entirety.
Valley Women and Children’s Shelter
Every week Deer Flat ladies provide a meal as well as a time of worship and the Word to the Valley Women and Children’s Shelter in Nampa.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives…one heart at a time. Since 1954, FCA has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful platform of sport to reach every coach and every athlete with the transforming power of Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities around the globe by engaging, equipping and empowering coaches and athletes to unite, inspire and change the world through the gospel. We are currently providing support to Sean Rooney.
Garden Ministries
Our Purpose: Fulfill the Great Commission of Christ by taking his message of Hope to every people group on earth, through any and all means possible, including humanitarian activities (food/shelter/clothing) and acts of kindness.
Specific activities include: providing resources (cash/materials) for Bible training, online courses, books, transportation, food, mission trips, and assisting local churches in their efforts to reach out their communities for Christ. We also assist with equipment/instruments and material costs associated with the continuance and success of the organization.
Good Samaritan
Services include Christ-centered, non-denominational counseling, inner healing, trauma therapy, group support and educational resources, grants and financial assistance for children, individuals and families in need. It is our mission to support healing of the whole person and to foster a joy-filled lifestyle. All are welcome.
Hope House
Hope House exists to provide a home for children between the ages of six (6) and eighteen (18) (and then those youth who turn eighteen prior to or during their senior year in High School) who are emotionally impaired, developmentally disabled, and/or come from disrupted adoptions or dysfunctional families.
Hope House serves children from all areas of the United States, although the vast majority, come from the western United States. Children from other countries may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Lifeline Pregnancy Center
Lifeline Pregnancy Center is a Christian, life-affirming ministry that provides practical, spiritual and emotional help to women and those who influence their lives, who are dealing with the effects of an unplanned pregnancy, adoption or abortion. We do not discriminate in providing services because of race, creed, color, national origin, age or marital status.
Our patient advocates do not judge any person or situation. We care. We listen to your questions and concerns. You have options and we can help empower you with resources and information.
Local Outreach
The connection between the church and its surrounding community. Church members may grow in their faith as they serve, and as a result of this, the community will know DFC better and experience God’s love in new ways.
The objective is to meet people where they are and show them love in a high-impact way. They need to belong before they believe. DFC helps by providing food, shelter and clothing (1 Timothy 6:8) to people in genuine need. Opportunities to serve are many. Whether in the COI, migrant camps, public schools , local non-profits or local government institutions. There are many people without hope, without Jesus, and as much as we can, we want to be there for them.
Love INC
Love INC helps churches help people by developing a network of local churches and connecting them with opportunities to serve those in need. Sometimes that can look like helping with food, personal needs items, furniture, transportation, or a work project. Other times, it looks like offering educational classes, providing mentorship support, and hosting community events. But it’s always about each church leaning into its strengths and working together with others—because we are better together.
Operation GUARDian Angel
Operation GUARDian Angel began in 2015 with a dream and desire for Deer Flat, in cooperation with other organizations, to connect with and thank military families serving in the National Guard. God has opened many doors that allow us to go on base and provide numerous events and support for our service men and women.
The first event was the Children’s Christmas Party, which is now an annual event. Children and their families get to play games, have snacks, make crafts and spend time together as a family. The children also receive a wrapped gift with their name on it, and of course a picture with Santa.
In addition, there are now other events and activities that we’re involved with throughout the year. In 2023 there were over 150 volunteers from Deer Flat
Stanton Healthcare Clinic
Stanton Healthcare is the first choice for women facing unexpected pregnancies in the Treasure Valley and beyond.
We understand you may be experiencing conflicting emotions and have important decisions to make about your future. We are here to provide compassionate care and support.
Every woman has the right to make an informed, empowered, coercion-free decision when facing an unexpected pregnancy.
Free Methodist Missions
The Free Methodist Church is marvelously connected to respond globally to the pain of crises as they appear. We have a deeply rooted mission to bring relief to our brothers and sisters while taking the gospel to the poor. Is the Lord preparing us for such a time as this as we extend compassionate hands in our own neighborhoods and around the world? This is an opportune time to creatively share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
At the center of Eden Reforestation Projects is our relationships with local communities. We work alongside them to restore and monitor over 241,150 hectares of land, thereby creating jobs to support the communities and environment in the long-term.
Claire Heureuse Hospital, also known to the expatriate world as the Dessalines Rural Health Care Project or D.R.H.P., is a thriving center serving a local population of 250,000.
Funds are used to help the people of Haiti heal and rebuild following natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and earthquakes.
Gene and Minori Hall are serving as Visa Voyagers in Tokyo, Japan. They have been serving on the field since August of 2019. With Evangelicals making up only 0.58 percent of the population, there is an urgent need for the gospel in Japan. Gene and Minori are serving in leadership development in Japan and Southeast Asia. Their primary role is to help equip pastors & leaders to serve well and to develop faithful leaders who will develop other faithful leaders thus multiplying leadership in the church and disciples in the marketplace.
Despite the social, political and economic challenges and frequent immigration of church members in search of a better future, this country continues to be the largest and fasting-growing conference in Latin America. Its holistic ministry includes an FM school for over 400 students, a Bible institute that trained 232 people last year, a low-cost dental/medical clinic, a soccer school, and a chicken project providing meat and eggs to members of the community. We directly work with/through Hector Simon Correa, creative access country X Mission District leader.
Africa Bright Future
ABFM uses GRACE strategy to develop the 5 GRACE programs. Everything that ABFM works towards, falls into one of these 5 programs.
G – Gospel Outreach & Missions
R – Raise Servant Leaders
A – Assist the Poor
C – Care for the Sick
E – Educate the Children
Empowering Live International
For 27 years ELI has been on a mission to empower orphans and families to crush poverty, embrace Christ, and share their transformation with others.
And this movement is still growing!
Free Wheelchair Mission
Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based nonprofit that designs and manufactures cost-efficient, durable wheelchairs for developing countries around the world.
Hands of Hope Northwest
Hands of Hope Northwest is a Christian, humanitarian, non-profit organization dedicated to helping people locally and globally by providing healthcare supplies and equipment.
Humanitarian support and support to organizations that teach and share Christ.
Mission Aviation Fellowship
Each year MAF provides aviation services to more than 400 mission agencies, churches, and humanitarian organizations around the world. Without MAF, some of these organizations would be unable to reach the people they serve. Through these partnerships, MAF connects isolated people with vital services and goods while sharing the love of Christ in a tangible way.
Samaritan's Purse
For over 50 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done our utmost to follow Christ’s command by going to the aid of the world’s poor, sick, and suffering. We are an effective means of reaching hurting people in countries around the world with food, medicine, and other assistance in the Name of Jesus Christ. This, in turn, earns us a hearing for the Gospel, the Good News of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Operation Christmas Child
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
As believers, the most important thing we can do is pray! Pray for these missional efforts, the employees, the volunteers, the safety of those in dangerous areas, and the resources needed.
You can identify a mission that ignites your passion and find a way to serve. In most cases there is something that will fit almost any one.
You can go on a mission trip with Deer Flat or one of our missions partners.
Deer Flat gives over 10% of our budget to missional efforts locally and around the world. When you give tithes and offerings you are automatically supporting missions. If you would like to give above and beyond you can CLICK HERE.
If you have any questions please contact Martin Flaherty martinflaherty@deerflat.org