Discovering Deer Flat Church
Join us to learn more about who we are, what we believe, ways to connect, places to serve, or becoming a member. This class normally occurs the last 2 weeks of every other month. Check out our GROUPS/CLASSES page for the next occurrence.
Water baptism is an important step of obedience in faith for every believer. Jesus Himself insisted that He be baptized at the very beginning of His public ministry. At Deer Flat Church, we believe that everyone who comes to Christ, regardless of age, should be baptized at the first opportunity. This would include children who have come to the age of understanding what a personal commitment to Jesus means and a desire to publicly confess their decision to follow Him as Savior and leader of their life.
We further believe that infants should be brought before the congregation as the parents dedicate their child to the Lord. In this service, parent(s) commit themselves to raising their child in the Christian faith. The congregation also affirms its commitment to minister and care for children.
If your interested in being baptized or learning more, please CONTACT US.
Discovering Deer Flat Church
Attend the Discovering Deer Flat Church Class & sign the Covenant. This class is designed to introduce you to Christ and His family at Deer Flat. Attending this class is required for membership.
Meet With A Pastor (Optional)
We have attempted to answer as many questions as possible in the class. If you would like to speak with a pastor for more information, please make a note on the Membership Covenant page.
Get Welcomed
The final step of membership is getting welcomed into the church during one of our Sunday morning services. This typically happens two or three weeks after the class. As a group, you will be invited up front and asked some “I do” affirmation questions about your beliefs. Then you will be introduced to the congregation.
Join a Group or Class
We have a variety of groups and classes throughout the week. Some are ongoing, others are for a set number of weeks. Check out our GROUPS/CLASSES page
Deer Flat is dependent on our volunteers! We could not do what we do without them. Serving helps you connect with others as well as find a sense of belonging and fulfilment. It is also important to us that people find a place to serve that best suits their desires, skills, gifting and/or availability.
If you would like to learn more about opportunities to serve you can visit our SERVE PAGE or CONTACT US